My goal is to proclaim Christ through my photography work, To capture His beauty and share it with others!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Tired, busy and worn out!...

So, most of you heard about Dad... He gets to come home tomorrow!! Amen to that! So we're all very excited and can't wait to see him!! For those of you who don't know, my Dad had a 99% blockage heart attack and had to get another stint put in. [He had a blockage 12 years ago and that stint collapsed.] THANKS to everyone who was praying!! The Lord hears those who put their trust in Him. He says when two or more come together in His name, He will hear them...

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20

...Thank you, Lord for hearing us!

SO excited about my first photography class tonight!! =D


*Lizzie* said... 1

Wow! Lovely photo!

Collin Davis said... 2

Hey, I had no idea about your dad being in the hospital. I hope everything will be ok. I'll definitely be praying for y'all

Collin Davis said... 3

I really like the pictures you've been taking too. Keep up the good work!